God had pastor Sam give a message during this flow service, specifically for our body. I felt the Holy Spirit all over this message and I truly hope all who attended, felt the depth of this message. With God having us in, The Gift to The Believer series on Sunday mornings, this fell right in line. I picked up on some highlights out of this message and thought this would be a wonderful place to start.
All believers should be pursuing spiritual oil.
As I sat listening to what God laid on our pastor’s heart. God gave me an example of the comparison: Don’t be like WD40, be like PB B’laster.
For those who do not know, WD40 is great. It helps with so many things, from fixing the squeaks in doors to coating in prevention of rust or corrosion. Many use this product every day and it is readily available at almost any store. But have you ever thought about another product being better than this one? Truthfully, unless you know there is something better, why would you go looking? Let me introduce you to PB B’laster! This product is likewise, well known and available on the shelf next to WD40. It is used for things like squeaks in doors and prevention of rust or corrosion. You may be thinking, where is this going? They are essentially the same thing, right? WRONG! WD40 is mostly a water-based product, whereas PB B’laster, is mostly an oil-based product.
Let me help paint this picture for you. I have a Ford F-250 with some rust on the fenders (I know, go figure). I used to just spray WD40 on it to help with rust prevention. My Dad caught me doing this one day and said, “Why are you not using B’laster?”. I said, “Isn’t that only used for the hard jobs when breaking things loose?” Dad, “No. It is an oil-based product. What you are using is water based.” Me, “Okay, so what makes it better for this situation?” Dad, “WD40 will wash with the first rain. The blaster will stay on much longer because the oil coats it.” Me, “Well that has been a waste of time and money.” Dad, “No, WD40 still works. Just, not as well as B’laster.” Me “Then why do people not use B’laster more?” Dad “Because WD40 is just normal to use. But those who work in a shop, will often always go for B’laster because they know the difference.” (Mind blowing moment!) I used to just use B’laster for hard jobs. I knew there was a difference, but I had no idea that I could continue to use B’laster as more effective and longer lasting preventative. Yes, it still has to be reapplied like WD40, but it was made to accomplish more. Now, stop for a second and replace B’laster with oil and WD40 with water. . .
Reads completely different doesn’t it. I can tell you from experience, putting B’laster on a rusted hitch or bolt, is FAR more effective than using WD40. Oil penetrates and coats, while water washes. Thinking this way, now we are geared up to look at this completely different.
You see WD40 gives us the perspective of what the modern church has made of the Holy Spirit. A good wash in the water. We accomplish things and things change in our lives. We can pick it up easily by turning on the radio. We go to church on Sunday morning and open our bibles once or twice a week. Seems great! We know what we are doing, right? But what if there is something more? What if we don’t know the whole gift of the Holy Spirit and what his purpose is in our lives?
Have you ever been to a conference, worship night, Sunday services, or just an event that got you all pumped up? Your mind is clear, you are motivated, and you have purpose! You have all these big dreams now and you’re doing great! That fire is just roaring in you, and it doesn’t seem like it could ever go out. Then a day, week, month goes by. Now you are right back where you started. Frustrated, unmotivated, unclear about things, second guessing things, struggling with the same things again! Well, this is what you call a fire with water thrown on it. (AKA WD40) 😉 You picked up oil from those events, and it ran out. This is what happens to A LOT of people. They do not understand the difference between the water and the oil. It takes a consumable substance for a fire to keep burning, let alone grow.
Much like feeding an actual fire, God gave us a supernatural spiritual oil to feed that fire He designed in our hearts. PB B’laster gives us the perspective of what our Father actually gave us the Holy Spirit for. A covering to protect us. A fuel to keep our fire going. A helper we truly need. A strength we do not have on our own. A consumable substance we need to keep burning.
We have limited the Holy Spirit by just thinking on a surface level. There is a deeper use the Holy Spirit was gifted to us for. WD40 & B’laster, do have this in common, both must be reapplied to be effective. Much like the Holy Spirit, you must pursue the oil to be sustained. One filling is not enough. YOU are the steward of that fire. What you choose to feed yourself dictates if you stay burning.
What does this perspective show you? What is the oil of the Holy Spirit? How is it different from what we currently know and do? How does this affect what you are pouring out into other people? How does the oil of the Holy Spirit affect the seasons in our life? All wonderful questions! It’s time to go deeper, time for us to throw out all we “think” we know and dive into what our Father truly intended the Holy Spirit to be for us. If you have not listened to all the recordings of The Gift to the Believer series, you should jump on that! They say knowledge is power and knowing exactly who the Holy Spirit is and what He was made to do, is critical for our walk.
Pastor spoke about Matthew 11:28-30 in this service. It reads; Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (NKJV)
There is an oasis in His presence!
May 5th, The Gift the Believer Part 1: Power for the Believer
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