Matthew 6:25-34 (ESV)

If God is leading you, you should not be anxious about anything. What God has for you, is simply waiting on your arrival. The only one who can mess up the purpose God has for you, is you. Not even satan can mess it up or take it from you. This is why instruction and correction (refining and transformation) are necessary. Instruction and correction are a greater level of surrender. Without it, it costs you in every area of your life. Leave those things he is calling you to leave. So, you are free to pick up what he needs you to carry into your new season. 

5 Steppingstones of Development.

1. Humility

True humility is not thinking down about yourself, but just to think about yourself less. It must be present in your life for you to be a move of God. Humility will grab God’s attention and humility will position you in God’s goodness. The word tells us, grace abounds in humility, humility ushers in honor, humility is a form of boldness, and humility will open doors. 

Jame 4:6, “And he gives grace generously. As the scripture says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 

Proverbs 11:2, “Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” 

Proverbs 15:33,” Fear of the Lord teaches wisdom; humility precedes honor.” 

Proverbs 22:4,” True humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life.”

As you can see, the word of God says a lot about humility and how the definition of the word should read. Pretty interesting the world tells us quite the opposite. It is so good to know God had a whole different meaning and purpose in this word.  Humility will always promote you, not demote you.

2. Obedience

All things swing on the hinges of obedience to God.

Isaiah 1:19,” If you will only obey me, you will have plenty to eat.”


Obedience is the doorway to fulfilment because being obedient will open greater doors in your life. Obedience is a want to, not a have to heart position. Obedience is an atmosphere shifter. Promotion does not come from efforts or performance, it comes from obedience. Obedience is measured in response to God’s voice. Obedience = Action of surrender and submission to God.

 In the bible we see people of obedience all through it. Does not mean they were obedient right away; they were transformed to walk in obedience. The greatest reward of obedience is who you become not what you get. One simple act of obedience will change your life. Without obedience, you will not grow, you will not change. It must be the standard of your life. If your standard is compromise, you will struggle in your seasons and in your walk. Your obedience is a display of your trust in God. There are some places you will never get to unless God trusts you. The tests of today build trust for tomorrow. 

No matter how many times you hear the same thing preached on, there is always fresh revelation. Every day is an opportunity to draw closer to God.