“Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory: I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” Isaiah 43:7

God has a specific purpose for this day that will impact your life. Isaiah 43 declares that we were created for His Glory. So we must understand that God’s design for our lives will always include glory. What God is going to do upon this earth, He is going to do through His people. 

2 Timothy 3 tells us that in the last days there will be those who have the appearance of godliness but deny God’s power and glory. But there will be people who will contend for the glory of God. These people desire God more than anything else-to know and walk in His way and encounter and carry His glory. The church of Jesus Christ is designed to be a house of glory. Housing His glory, hosing His manifested presence, encountering His goodness with demonstrations of His power on display. He has called this church, Legacy Church, to be a house of glory, filled with His glory. In Exodus, Moses pleaded with God, “Please, show me Your glory!” This is our cry-our declaration. Show us your glory God!

Let us be a people that will contend for His glory, the very essence of who God is. Not focused on the promises or the blessings over knowing Him. Let’s live a life fixated on WHO God is-His beauty, splendor, holiness, and goodness. If we learn to live life this way, it will change our entire lives. What does that look like? It’s immediate obedience when God asks you to do something. Do not wait and think on it. Act immediately. It’s seeking God above all. It’s putting God’s desires before your own. 

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

It’s impossible to live holy in our own abilities, so we must continually keep our eyes set on God. Despite what it may cost, I’m determined to set my heart on things above and contend for the glory of God.