Jesus tells us that our advisory, the devil, comes to steal that which you have received. To keep possession, you:

1.    Have your foundation in the Word of God.

2.    Refuse to let the symptoms talk

3.    Reject Doubt

4.    Confess and take ownership

5.    Keep possession and hold your ground

Psalm 34:19 tells us we should expect adversity in our lives. It would have been foolish for Paul to tell us we are more than conquerors with nothing to conquer. You must understand how to deal with the afflictions. It is your choice, and your choice will be dictated by your perspective. 

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” James 1:2

James is telling us what to do in the middle of affliction. Respond with joy. Joy is not a feeling; it is a perspective. Feelings will lie to you and contradict the word of God. Joy is not about the absence of problems. It is the way you approach the problems, pain, battles, and storms. It’s the mentality you have when pain appears, the attitude you have when offense comes. 

So how do we approach these afflictions in our lives? We must look through the lenses of joy. Not denying the existence of what you’re facing but denying the outcome of the afflictions. Look at situations through the lens of joy, you are seeing in faith and your expectation is on God. It’s having a calmness in the middle of the storm. It’s focusing not on the situation, but on God. 

“Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” Hebrews 12:1-2

It was the joy set before him that allowed Jesus to endure the cross in our place. It was not a feeling of joy, through the physical pain, but the joy set before Him- the guaranteed outcome of the cross. So, when afflictions come, you can have joy knowing that Jesus has already won the victory for you. Joy in having the reality of God’s word. Knowing that fear cannot stay, anxiety must leave. God is on our side. Knowing that God is our shield and protector. That is where the joy is. 

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17

True, authentic joy is where there is a calmness within us, bringing peace. Being found in right standing with God comes from one place: Knowing Jesus. Jesus said in John 15:11 “that My joy may be found in you and that your joy may be full.” We need to look at every circumstance through joy’s perspective, which is the Holy Spirit’s perspective. 

Joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness is a fleeting emotion, affected by the outside environment and material things. Happiness comes and goes. It is something people try to obtain in life. But joy is given and downloaded on the inside of you by the Holy Spirit. It is strength. It’s because of joy’s perspective that Paul could declare “I think myself happy” when facing death. 

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22

Joy irritates the devil. It’s good for your spirit, it gives strength and health to your spirit and physical body. Depression, heaviness, anxiety, fear all weakens your spirit and your physical man. Therefore, being in the presence of the Lord is critical for your life. David declared in Psalm 16:11 “in your presence is fullness of joy.” Fear and anxiety are not just mental disorders. They come from a spirit. The problem we are facing today is that many are trying to cure spiritual conditions with natural medications. This doesn’t work. A spiritual issue must be dealt with spiritually. Having joy’s perspective will cause you to confront affliction head on. You will not be intimidated. Joy will cause you to look at the battles and trials and laugh and rejoice. Because you know who is with you- The deliverer, Jesus. Victory belongs to you for what He already did for you. So joy fights from a place of victory, not for victory. Keeping possession of what you have received requires having joy’s perspective.