“Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them.” Isaiah 43:7

God created us in His image and for His presence. He created us to host His presence within us, to be carriers of His glory. He also created us to dwell in His presence. To live and abide in His presence. God’s presence is the most at home we should ever feel while we are here on this earth. Outside of God’s presence., our soul thirsts and longs in desperation to be with Him.

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

Within the presence of God is liberty. In His presence there is life, love, peace, and joy. The absence of God’s presence is the absence of true fulfillment. God’s presence is transformational. When you invite His presence in: 

He takes what is broken and brings healing and restoration.

He removes depression and produces joy.

He takes oppression and replaces it with freedom.

He breaks the hold of fear and anxiety by moving His peace in.

“Come near to God and He will come near to you.” James 4:8

Don’t miss what God is saying and doing by declining His offer to draw near to Him. Make getting into God’s presence a priority. Your perspective on things is determined by what you are close to. If fear, anxiety and doubt have your attention over God’s presence, those things will consume you. 

The main goal of Moses’ life was to pursue God’s presence. He did not want to do anything without the presence of God. Many Christians today are willing to forfeit God’s presence to follow their dreams. When your dreams become your soul focus and passion, they become your God. Don’t forsake the dream giver to obtain a dream He placed in you. Moses’ pursuit, from the moment he first encountered God’s presence, was God’s presence. My prayer is that you have your own burning bush encounter where you are arrested by the presence of God.